Schools are primarily working on helping the children with their academics and building their foundation for a fruitful career. But is it everything that one should expect from the school? It is the era of smart education, where schools are destined to foster the development of identity, overall well-being, emotional skills and relationships. Every CBSE school in Sikar is working on developing the cognitive ability of children rather than just keeping them stuck with academics and exam curriculums.
The subject knowledge is a fundamental necessity. But if the schools focus on that inert knowledge in complex subjects, then the overall knowledge is missed out. Therefore, this article intends to explain the concept of smart education imposed by schools to make education more effective
1. Overall Brain Development
Brain development is shaped by supportive relationships and responsive communications. Schools of today are working on modelling the children for their productive behaviours. It enhances the brain capacity of children to make them physically and emotionally safe. When the children feel like they are connected, challenged and engaged, they will reciprocate to the lessons on a better note.

2. Make use of Technology as much as Possible
When you are teaching online, it comes with loads of challenges in utilizing the technologies. But in the pursuit of utilizing these technologies, you get a variety of tools at your fingertips. When you intend to use pointers, virtual games, drawing tools, text editors, and whiteboards, some technologies can make all of these tools more interesting to work with.
You need to first learn how to use all of these virtual tools to embrace modern education in India. You will also have to explain these concepts to the students to ensure that they feel confident while using them. If you are new to those virtual tools, you should try creative ways to use them to liven up the teaching sessions.
2. Academic, Emotional and Social Learning
There should be a positive bond between the teacher and student. These emotions will develop the excitement and interest in the child to acquire the concept of lessons. Schools are helping the children open up their minds to positive learning. Earlier schools were imposing negative emotions by triggering the fear of failure, self-doubt and anxiety in children.
All of this contributed to reducing the brain’s overall capacity for learning and processing information. Children are keener to develop skills and awareness to work with positive emotions. The negative ones demotivate them and ruin their strength to cope in a class. So, academic, social and emotional learning is highly promoted in today’s schools
3. Skill Assessment over Time
The standard assessment procedures imposed by the schools for children over time help the teachers and authorities know their individuation potential of them. Based on that, they assign them to different co-curricular activities. For instance, if a student is good at cricket or any other sports, the school management will help him/her get into the team to showcase and improve their skills.
The assessment can be different, but there is always a checklist with the school management for conducting it. The schools get along with the planning process, break down tasks in various stages, conduct oral exams and allow exam breaks to let students focus on some other activities apart from just the textbooks and notebooks.
4. Extra Classes for Selective Students
The schools need to find a way to filter out students who need more academic help than others. They need to prioritize to make sure that the students don’t feel left out and distinct from others in their classroom. There should be a motivational way of drawing their attention to specific lessons and the necessity of improvement classes.
The schools of today are working on imposing smart education, and they have creative ways to do that. Hence, this helps the selected children with the necessary support & strategies to overcome their flaws in the particular subject and improve over time.
5. Prevent Bullying around the School Premises
The teachers, staff, and every person within the school management team should ensure that no one bullies anyone. Schools are learning hubs for children, and they should be promoted to do only that. One student should not get involved individually or in a group to bully someone else in any possible manner. It is because that would create a negative and long-lasting impact in the minds of children who are being bullied. And the bullies will assume that they are doing right!
Therefore, every CBSE school in Sikar is now taking strict measures to create a sense of alert around the classes and amidst the students to prevent bullying at all costs. The teachers are instructed to stop and report such scenarios when they see any such instance. Moreover, the teachers are also instructed not to promote or encourage bullying of any intensity for any student.
These are the five things that make a school of today a complete education hub for the children. Earlier, the schools focused on competing with other schools with high marks and good positions at city, state and national levels. It was all about marking a reputation in the past. But today’s schools, such as Matrix High School, are much more focused on helping the children gain knowledge in the smartest ways possible. They are preparing the students for life and not just for the academic challenges of their careers.